Monday 1 September 2014

Live a Creative Life with One Simple Change (It Takes Under a Minute)

Do you ever look at creative people and wish you had what they were having? We know the types, those creatives who are expressing themselves spontaneously, they have a certain spark to them, a life force to them, an ability to see things a bit differently.
When I was a young girl, I always dreamed of sitting in a café in Paris, notebook in hand, writing away. Although this is the stereotypical writer fantasy, the longing for it was telling:
I wanted to be part of a history and community of creative types. Where romance, ideas, bubbled from our creative selves and we felt alive, had purpose in the act of expression itself.
This longing was my creativity wanting to come forth.
This longing was guiding me. However, I didn’t easily listen. For years, I didn’t write, was stuck in routine, distraction and without creative motivation.
We easily want more creative lives but the reality is they are difficult to put into practice. We have busy days, patterns of thoughts and ways of doing things. We can’t all jet off to Paris to write.
However, luckily there is a way to feel and be more creative, vibrant, and alive. And we don’t have to change our schedules or travel to do so. Beautifully it just takes one simple shift.
The most powerful shift you can do is to decide. 
Decide to be creative, to express yourself lively and creatively.
When you do so, you remember who you are. You start to remember that at your core you are creative, vibrant and full of so much beautiful potential.
Think of the dreams you have at night, the daydreams you have on a warm afternoon. The urge to doodle, to sing along to a song, to read blog posts on creativity.
This drive is your true self guiding you to remember your own creative being.
The idea of changing our minds, can seem simple. However it is not always so. The reason being we are all in routine, and more importantly in routines and patterns of ways of thinking.
These patterns are often limiting thoughts about who we are, how we express ourselves and how others perceive us. These thoughts are constructions based on early experiences.
Luckily we can choose new thoughts. Ones that are more serving for our creative expression. We can slowly expand your capacity to stand vibrantly in the truth of who you are.
The truth of who you are is alive, courageous, creative, and spontaneous.
This is truth for you and for all of us. This is the spirit part of us. The alive part of us. When we make up our minds to start thinking from this space, how we see ourselves and our surroundings start to change.
We begin to feel more energized, more spontaneous and up to trying new things. We tap into the medium our expression wants to take, we see beauty and inspiration around us.
This simple shift is powerful. Yet, to make it a way of life, it will take commitment. When doubt starts to set in, when you find yourself feeling down, unsure, not heard or seen or unmotivated, say to yourself, “I am creative, I am alive, I am vibrant.” Remind yourself of your truth.
The beauty is when we do so, our energy shifts. We stand a bit taller, we feel differently in our bodies. This ripples out into our actions, we become inspired, motivated and bold.
Take a moment to decide to be you.
Decide to be the creative light that is aching to get out. The world needs the beautiful, unique perspective that only you can bring.

365 Good Days

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