Wednesday 20 August 2014

8 Bizarre Looking Veggies That Are Good For You

8 Bizarre Looking Veggies That Are Good For You

Shopping for fresh produce at the farmer’s market is always an exciting experience.
Aside from getting the best, most fresh, and nutrient-packed ingredients for your family meals, the farmer’s market offers a number of less common vegetables that you might not see in the grocery store.
Here are eight of the strangest veggies you might find and their nutrition-packed health benefits.
Don’t judge them before you try them!

1. Purple Potatoes

Purple potatoes might look abnormal, but they are almost exactly the same nutritionally as red new potatoes. The vibrant purple inside can make an awesome addition to the color of a meal. Research also shows that new potatoes and purple potatoes are a significant source of antioxidants[1]. Not only do they look interesting and add flair to a meal, they can also help you fight off disease and sickness.

2. Chioggia Beets

These “candy cane” style beets have a red-striped interior. They keep their color when you cook them, but they are best served raw in salads. Beets offer a variety of health benefits. They might be able to improve athletic performance and they are known to provide high levels of fiber, foliate and potassium[2].

3. Orange Cauliflower

Canadian farmers first started growing this strange-colored cauliflower about three decades ago. A natural genetic mutation caused the plant to absorb excessive amounts of beta-carotene—the same pigment found in carrots. As a result, the flowering head of the plant turns bright orange. It tastes the same as white cauliflower. The added benefits of beta-carotene rich foods are numerous. Some studies suggest that beta-carotene and foods high in vitamin A—like the orange cauliflower—are excellent ways to prevent disease and cancer[3].

4. Purple Carrots

Purple carrots contain high levels of beta carotene. Additionally, research in the British Journal of Nutrition demonstrates that purple carrots have exceptionally high levels of anthocyanins[4]. As evidenced by a recent study, scientists believe that anthocyanins are more than a pigment[5]. They have a “demonstrated ability to protect against a myriad of human diseases.

5. White Eggplant

These are essentially identical to purple eggplant in nutritional quality. The flesh, texture and taste is milder and smoother than purple eggplant, but it’s prepared identically in the kitchen. Traditionally, white eggplant is available in the early summer months. Eggplant peels contain nasunin—an important health-boosting antioxidant studied by medical researchers[6].

6. Green Zebra Tomatoes

These tomatoes are more “spicy” than traditional red tomatoes. They are an excellent addition to salads—the perfect raw tomato treat and an ideal injection of new flavors. Green tomato extracts contain high levels of tomatine. A 2009 study determined that green tomato extracts were effective for inhibiting the growth of breast, colon, liver, and stomach cancer in humans[7].

7. Purple Spring Garlic

The white varieties of garlic that you see at the grocery store are usually grown overseas. Purple spring garlic—you often find it complete with green shoots extending from the bulb—are often grown locally. Garlic is a powerful antioxidant and radical scavenger that removes toxins from your body[8]. Scientists also discovered that the garlic compound allicin has microbial properties[9].

8. Romanesco Broccoli

You can usually find this interestingly shaped vegetable in the spring and early summer. It’s closely related to  traditional broccoli and has a high level of vitamin C. It’s one of many broccoli variants that you might now know about. By far, the most valuable element of broccoli is the cancer fighting compound sulforaphane.
Research suggests that raw broccoli is one of the most potent and powerful cancer preventing vegetables[10]. Unfortunately, not enough people eat it and if they do it’s usually cooked. Try adding broccoli to salads or eating it as a snack to get the most of it’s health benefits.

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