Sunday 31 August 2014

7 Ways To Exercise Without Exercising

Many of us would benefit from more exercise. Yet we often struggle with the idea of exercising. We have to motivate ourselves to get moving.
Except many times we fail. We commit to an exercise plan, join the gym or buy some home equipment, but fail to follow through. In fact, many of us have already failed multiple times.
One of the reasons we fail is that we believe that we have to set aside a 30 to 60 minute chunk of time and call it “exercise”.
I want to suggest an alternative. In my opinion, the best way to exercise is to fit it into your regular day. Following are seven ideas that will help you exercise throughout the day without actually exercising.
Walk or Bike Whenever Possible
When I lived in Alexandria, Virginia, I loved going to the library. For several years I drove to the library every single time.
One day, I decided to use Google maps to see how far away it was. Turns out, the library was only one mile from my house! Once I learned that, I started walking or riding my bike.
Chances are there’s something similar in your life. There’s probably a regular errand that you could easily get to by bicycle or by walking. Every time you take your car, you’re losing an opportunity for exercise.
Make Exercise Equipment Easily Accessible
A simple way to build more exercise into your life is to put exercise equipment where it’s easily accessible. And then commit to using it each time you enter that room.
For example, you could have a pull-up bar in the doorway. Even if you can only do one pull-up, that’s more exercise than doing zero pull-ups. And eventually you’ll reach of point where you can do multiple pull-ups!
Of course, that’s just an example. You could also use exercise bands or push-up bars or any other equipment. The idea is to make the equipment easily accessible and to just do a bit of exercising every time you enter the room.
Take Short Exercise Breaks
Rather than trying to cram all your exercise into one 30-60 minute period, you can take short exercise breaks throughout the day.
For example, when I’m working, I set my timer for 30 minutes.  Every time it goes off, I get up and do one or two minutes of exercising. I try to vary what I do each time so I don’t get bored. One time I might do some push-ups, the next time some jumping jacks, and then some squats.
Perhaps you work in an office and that’s not possible. Another option is to take exercise breaks while watching TV at night.  Every time there’s a commercial break, you get up and exercise until the break is over.
Stand or Use a Pilates Ball At Your Desk
One of the reasons many of us feel the need to exercise is to counteract the effects of sitting at a desk all day. In fact, a growing body of research shows that prolonged sitting has the same health effects as smoking.
Instead of sitting at your desk, why not stand? You may think that standing isn’t exercise, but it obviously burns more calories and is healthier than sitting all day. Of course, this is easier to set up if you work at home.
If you work in an office and your boss isn’t willing to help you set up a standing desk, then you can always replace your chair with a pilates ball.
Chances are, in a few months, you’ll have some great ab muscles! And you may even make some new friends who are wondering why you’re sitting on a pilates ball.
Take Up An Active Hobby
The opportunities are limitless. There are dance classes, sports, martial arts, hiking, kayaking, etc.
If you live in a decent sized city, chances are there are already plenty of options for active hobbies.  All you have to do is pick one and start going! Not only will you get exercise, you’ll likely have fun and make new friends.
Park Your Car Far Away
We’ve all seen people circling a parking lot trying to get space close to the entrance. Why not do the opposite?
Park your car as far away from the entrance as you can. Not only will you reduce your stress levels, you’ll get a bit more exercise. And when you finish at one store, walk to the next one rather than getting in your car and driving.
Be Creative
I once knew a high school teacher who would do yoga stretches during his hall monitoring duty. Not only was he getting some exercise, it also give him an opportunity to bond with the students since they were obviously curious about what he was doing.
Or how about taking a “walking meeting” at work? You’ll be getting exercise and the walking will get the creative juices flowing and likely lead to better decisions.
Exercising doesn’t have to be hard.  It doesn’t have to be something we struggle with. If you want to pay $50 or more every month to a gym, then go ahead. But many of us have tried that and found it didn’t work for us.
My suggestion is to stop making exercise a separate activity. Just build it into your regular life and stop the struggle.

Saturday 30 August 2014

7 Things You Shouldn’t Do When You’re Angry

Many wise people believe that anger is nothing more than just a weakness. The feeling of anger can mess your mind and make you take pointless and even risky decisions. It’s extremely important to be more patient when you are angry in order to avoid grief and sorrow in future. It’s scientifically proved that the feeling of anger can seriously damage your mental and physical health, because it produces the same psychological and physiological effects as stress. Furthermore, anger can destroy your social, personal and professional relationships. That’s why you shouldn’t let anger exert negative influence on your life. The best way to avoid mistakes when you’re feeling angry is to calm down and return to the situation when you’re thinking as clearly as you normally do. I hope this article will teach you to manage anger and live in accord with the society.

1. Post your anger on social media

Unfortunately, many people tend to use social media in order to vent and broadcast angry information and thoughts to big masses of people. By all means, you shouldn’t post your anger on social networks. It’s not a wise decision to tell the whole world how you feel at the moment, because you’ have the risk to get a negative reputation in the society. Plus, various angry comments can deject your friends’ spirit. Try to accentuate your blessings, not weaknesses.

2. Make decisions

When I want to make a right decision, I prefer to focus on the situation and weigh all advantages and disadvantages. Moreover, it’s desirable to do things when you are calm. If you make a decision under the pressure of anger or other negative feelings, you’ll regret and find them mad or foolish later. It’s of great importance to develop the skill to keep emotions under control when you are dealing with serious life questions. You should draw a line between emotions and your life responsibilities.

3. Let anger mistreat others

You may not notice, but when you’re angry you often take it out on others. Do something to control your feelings, if you don’t want to burn bridges and offend people around you. You may use different breathing techniques, which help to reduce stress and eliminate the feeling of anger. If nothing helps, then try to get away and calm down. I think your circle of contacts shouldn’t suffer from your feelings. Successful and wise people tend to make their bad day better, instead of spoiling mood of those who are around them.

4. Drive

When you’re angry, try to keep out of driving. Research shows that angry people are primed for attack that’s why they are more inattentive and aggressive on the road. Don’t jump in a vehicle when you feel rage or anger running in your veins, because you put yourself and other people in danger. If you experience a stress while driving a car, you should stop for a while and do something to calm down. When your eyes are filled with anger, you may not see a pedestrian crossing the street and you can make a fatal error.

5. Talk to everyone

It’s normal to talk your problems and inner conflict out, but you should always share it with trusted people, because others can misunderstand and start gossiping about you and your life. You’d better take some time to blow off some steam and keep calm. Trusted friends can give you a valuable advice on how to get rid of anger and enjoy life. I prefer to go through the moment of anger in private, because the less people know about your worries, the better reputation and private life you’ll have.

6. Return to bad habits

I hope everyone knows that anger can break or damage the power of will. If you continue smoking or drinking alcohol, you’ll just get new problems. It’s desirable to find more useful and healthier ways to deal with this terrible feeling. It’s been proved that physical exercise can ward off anger and other bad feelings. If you do physical exercises on a regular basis, you’ll have a chance to increase the level of serotonin. This hormone decreases aggressive behavior and makes you happier.

7. Socialize

I think it’s difficult to socialize and enjoy the company of people around when you’re full of anger. It’s better to keep the distance until you get a grip of your anger. Otherwise, you can alienate people around you. You can leave positive impression on others only when you learn to suppress this destructive feeling before socializing. Those people who experience less anger and hatred are more successful and socially popular, because people love those who have a frank smile and emit pleasant energy.
Anger is a dangerous feeling that can either come in handy or poison your life. Ambrose Bierce once said a magnificent thing, “Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret.” You should be wise enough to process your anger and find a peace of mind. What things do you usually do when you’re angry? How do you deal with the feeling of anger? Share your experiences with us, please.

Friday 29 August 2014

7 Reasons Drinking Wine Is Good for You

Wine is the nectar of the gods. It is one of the oldest and the most precious alcohol drinks known to mankind. I think nothing can be better than enjoying a glass of wine after a tough day. This wonderful beverage will widen your blood vessels and help relax your body. Many people have a habit to consume wine every day. It fills their body with positive life energy and provides life contentment. My friends always say that a glass of wine every day can keep doctor away. I couldn’t believe, but now I realize that wine consumption has a great number of benefits for both physical and emotional well-being. Drinking wine in moderation can boost your immunity and help you lose weight. Moreover, it preserves your memory and makes you more cheerful. This article will change your attitude toward wine. You’ll get to know how wine can make your life better. Just remember, moderation is the key here.

1. It can improve your digestion

Most people believe that drinking wine is the best relaxing way to develop and maintain a healthy gut balance, because it has a big number of good gut bacteria. It may help your body digest food and prevent you from various diseases, since there’s a direct link between digestive and immune system. Moreover, many researchers concluded that red wine consumption is extremely effective in decreasing pathogenic bacteria in the gut. Wine is rich in B-vitamins, beneficial enzymes and omega three fatty acids. If you are still hesitating what beverage to choose during your meal, then try to drink a glass of red wine.

2. Wine is a source of youth

Many wise people believe that the fountain of youth is filled with red wine, because there’s an anti-aging compound that plays a great role in preventing cell-aging. People who drink wine have more chances to live a longer life than those who prefer to drink beer or other kinds of alcohol. Wine includes resveratrol that stimulates different positive processes and chemical reactions in your body. Numerous useful substances found in wines can rejuvenate your body by activating chemicals that protect against age-related diseases. There’s no need to look for new and sophisticated methods to look younger if you can consume wine with pleasure, but in moderation.

3. It’s high in antioxidants

According to the research, wine contains powerful antioxidants and essential vitamins. Red wines are more useful since they have the largest amount of antioxidants. If you don’t drink alcohol, you may receive a dose of these healthy substances by drinking a grape juice, which has similar antioxidant content. A glass of wine a day will help you relax your blood vessels and strengthen your cardiovascular health.

4. It heals your heart and improves overall health

Red wine is good for your heart since its healing qualities relax and stimulate your cardiovascular system. Moderation is a very important point if you decide to drink red wine daily. Be careful, because big amounts of alcohol can be harmful to your health. Moderate drinkers have a wonderful memory and productivity of their mental function. Furthermore, moderate consumption of wine prevents blood-sugar trouble and cuts the risk of colon cancer. Plus, it makes you emotionally balanced and happy.

5. It helps you enjoy the moments of appreciation

I think that wine is for savoring, not gulping. It can help you make a pause in your busy life and gather the circle of your best friends. It will break fears and help you socialize with people around you. Those who cannot drink wine should know an interesting thing. Scientists have claimed that thinking about a glass of wine can help you relax. It means that your thoughts can change your behaviors according to what you expect. The power of positive thinking can make miracles.

6. Wine is a wonderful alcoholic drink

Every time I drink wine, I feel the connection to the land and history of wine. I respect history and people who had dedicated their lives to the production of this wonder of nature. I have always dreamt to visit a wine country and learn something about the ancient process of wine production. Nothing can be better than time spent with your friends somewhere in the middle of the wine country. It’s a great pleasure to enjoy the wine on the land where it’s grown and feel the warmth of the sun that throws light on the grapes.

7. It’s a great fun

When I drink wine I always feel fine. Wine has always been a symbol of joy and creativity. It releases endorphins which are the hormones of happiness. But you should be careful while drinking and having fun, if you don’t want to suffer from a hangover next day. My favorite author Ernest Hemingway once noticed a wonderful thing about wine, “Wine is one of the most civilized things in the world and the most natural things of the world that has been brought to the greatest perfection, and it offers a greater range for enjoyment and appreciation than, possibly any other purely sensory thing.”
Wine is a majestic thing that can fill your life with joy, positivity, new acquaintances and creativity. Furthermore, it can improve both your physical and mental health. You should consume wine in moderation, if you don’t want to suffer from alcohol addiction, anxiety and depression. Do you consume wine on a regular basis? What other interesting benefits of wine do you know?

10 Habits of Highly Successful People

Unfortunately, there is no handbook for happiness, that’s why we have to move in different directions. There are many people who are true to their purpose and are all about following their cherished dreams. They maintain a positive attitude. It is important to train your imagination in order to see the end of your goals in mind. Such mental stimulations help you work much harder with the bigger picture in mind. Happy and goal-seeking people usually don’t speak about their secrets and habits. Here are the habits that express their values and beliefs.

1. Life is a game

Real life is a game that is played by everyone. Successful people realize this fact and set priorities to assign their time as much as possible. This life strategy opens up space for personal growth and creativity. It helps them not to take life and its events too seriously. This is the best way to increase their confidence level and learn how to solve problems without a fear to take risks. Elbert Hubbard once said, “Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.” Life is just a game, enjoy playing it.

2. Speak their truth

They are able to speak what’s on their mind without fear and judgment. By speaking the truth, they are supporting their words with actions that help them pursue their happiness. These people are courageous enough to think for themselves aloud.

3. They turn difficulties into opportunities

People who live their life successfully turn obstacles into opportunities. As Charles R. Swindoll said, “We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.” Getting over obstacle is a hard work, because many difficulties can seem overwhelming. It helps them surround themselves with good people who can see things from a different perspective and shed light on the darkest of situations. Moreover, successful people walk through their fears to become emotionally stronger. It is necessary to get a habit to look for opportunities in a problem. If you do it regularly, you will begin to attract more opportunities.

4. Act on their desires

“Don’t waste your time dreaming” is the moto of all successful people. They prefer to take positive actions towards their desires. There’s no need to hesitate whether to start a new relationship or invest money in something. They always know how to move on their ideas, because they realize that sometimes it is necessary to knock until the door opens. Their intuition is a guide to their good life.

5. Live the life they want

There are no backups for such people. They know what they want and put all possible efforts to make their dreams a reality. They try not to complain about the lack of money, romance, success or joy in their lives. Regardless of personal and life circumstances they try to maintain faith in a good future. They just live the life they have imagined.

6. They feel that they deserve the best

Having an inner belief that they deserve the best in this world helps these people forget about fears and raise their standards. By the way, they choose to be with those who will treat them with respect and consideration. They know their values and worth and accept only the best in life. It usually affects the type of people they attract, the financial security and the level of health they have.

7. Stick to their own rules

Rules can be useful, especially when they protect our safety. There’s a nice saying, “Rules are made to be broken”. Happy people try to go against the stream and make their own rules, which they believe will give them freedom and chances to improve their lives. Furthermore, they set these rules in their mind, write them down and follow to them.

8. They aren’t afraid to ask what they want

Many of us fear asking. We fear asking for help, we fear asking for raise, we fear asking for money and so on. This common and unexpected behavior makes people look weak and unsure of themselves. Successful people are connected to their passions and express their needs without guilt, fear and shame. When they ask somebody for something, they focus and expect a positive outcome.

9. Mentors

Having a mentor is said to be one of the most important keys to success. Mentors can introduce people to new opportunities and important business partners. Successful people prefer to have teachers and mentors in order to learn something new and move in a right direction. It helps them understand how to pursue their dreams and how to live in accordance with their own nature.

10. They feel comfortable despite the discomfort

Many people have the tendency to start doing something and refuse to move forward out of fear of rejection, failure or just a bruised ego. The process of leaving the comfort zone is a challenging thing. Though, successful people feel comfortable being uncomfortable. Despite all problems and things that make them feel uncomfortable, they focus on positive moments and move towards happiness.
Harriet Tubman said, “Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” I hope this article will help you develop the habits of a happy person. Do you know other habits that can help you follow your dreams?

Thursday 28 August 2014

7 Simple Scientifically Proven Methods To Make You A Happier Person

Ever noticed you’re in a slump that’s lasting weeks, months or even years? Moodiness is common to the 20-something’s life. With all the life changes, long work hours, lack of sleep, poor eating habits and stress, it’s pretty easy to feel out of whack.
If you find yourself struggling with non-clinical moody slumps, it’s important to pinpoint an action plan so that you can turn your mood around.
The key is to remember that you are in active control over your life: It is up to you to make positive changes that will make you happier in your daily life. Here are seven ways to do it:


Try this: Smile in the mirror, first thing in the morning, then a couple more times during the day. Does your mood change? As it turns out, moving facial muscles in such a way that mimics smiling has been scientifically proven to boost your mood.
When you smile, there is a physiological response that influences areas of your brain that coincide with feeling happier sensations. So, certain facial expressions literally pinpoint specific portions of your brain. Get smiling, people.

Herbal Supplements

There is much wisdom in eastern medicine, including its focus on treating the whole human body instead of targeting specific parts. The wonderful thing about herbal remedies is that they help your body function at its best so that it can naturally heal itself.
Try maca root or St. John’s wort. Maca root is wonderful for combating high stress levels known to throw our bodies out of whack and St. John’s wort has been shown to be just as effective as anti-depressants for mild and moderate levels of clinical depression.

Drink Green Tea

Green tea, well known for its soothing and relaxing qualities, has also been shown to improve mood. 
A study conducted at Swinburne University investigated brain activity in relation to moods found that participants who consumed green tea showed greater relaxation, attention and higher mood levels.


As you heard from your high school sports coach, dehydration can compromise athletic performances. Not only that, but new studies now show that hydration — or lack thereof — also influences the mood.
In a study, a hydrated group was compared with a dehydrated group and athletes who were dehydrated not only performed worse on athletic activities, but also reported more negative moods.

Exercise And Meditation

There is nothing quite like a runner’s high. Athletes have long noted the amazing benefits associated with working out, such as increased energy, relaxation and higher moods.
Recently, researchers began to investigate the correlation between exercise and mood; however, they are now finding that such a relation exists. Researchers have found that you can begin to feel a “mood-enhancement effect” after as few as five minutes of physical activity.
Similarly, meditation has also been shown to influence mood — studies have shown that meditation lowers cortisol levels, which is a primary instigator of anxiety. Whatever your method of choice may be, either option can be a fantastic tool to improve your mood.

Eat Those Veggies

Take if from Popeye, who is famously known for chugging a can of spinach prior to exerting his physical strength: Eat those greens! Recent research suggests that diets high in fruits and vegetables make people calmer, more energetic and happier.

Try Some Positive Thinking

Whether or not you agree with the positive thinking phenomenon, there is a lot of wisdom to be gained from focusing on your thoughts. As Henry Ford so wisely said,
" The man who thinks he can and the man who thinks he can’t are both right. Which one are you? "
If you focus all of your energy on negativity or what you can’t do, you won’t do it. But, if you instead focus on what you can do, you will find a way to do it.

Wednesday 27 August 2014

11 Foods Not to Refrigerate

11 Foods Not to Refrigerate

Foods not to refrigerate.
Here is a list of foods that you should absolutely not refrigerate. With all the food advice available through internet and the media, its difficult to choose what is best for you. However, here is a slideshow of what foods are actively being degraded by refrigeration and should never be cold or frozen.
1. Tomatoes
If tomatoes are kept in sunlight they will ripen too fast. If they are kept in cold temperature, it will cause the cell walls to break down and then they become soft and mushy. So for best results, store them out of direct sunlight and at room temperature.
2. Bananas
Like tomatoes, bananas also like to be stored at room temperature. If you are trying to delay the ripening process, refrigerate them. Beware that this will cause the skin to turn brown. However, the inside should still be edible.
3. Potatoes
Refrigeration will cause the skin of the potato to darken and go bad quicker. It also converts the potato’s starch into sugar, making it more sweet, but not in a good way. Its recommended to store them in a cool dark place.

4. Onions

Onions tend to like fresh air circulation. Thats why they are sold in a mesh bag.
But don’t keep them near your potatoes because a chemical reaction will take place. That will create and release gases and moister that will turn your onions bad.

5. Garlic

Again garlic, similar to onions like air circulation too. Research says cold air can cause the garlic to sprout early causing it to go bad. Plus it keeps the odors off your other food.
6. Avocados
If you want your avocado to ripen naturally you should leave it outside the refrigerator. Only if you are trying to postpone its ripeness then keep in the refrigerator. And if you are trying save an already cut avocado, refrigerate the half with the seed. It will keep longer that way.
7. Honey 
Honey is one of the earth’s oldest known preservatives. Its been know to be discovered in Egyptian tombs and the honey is still edible. Wow, its shelf life is for forever. If refrigerated, it becomes crystalized and even harder to use.
8. Hot Sauces
Have you ever noticed that hot sauce is always unrefrigerated at restaurants? Thats because it doesn’t have to be. Especially if it is vinegar based which most hot sauces are. By refrigerating, it causes it to loose flavor and change the consistency.
9. Melons
When a melon ends up in your own home, it should be stored out of direct sunlight in the kitchen. This will allow it to ripen and gain sweetness. Only after it is cut should it be refrigerated to prolong its perfect ripeness.
10. Fruit
All fruits should be ripened at room temperature. Only if you are trying to keep them longer should you refrigerate. By leaving them out, they ripen and sweeten at their own pace which will allow the fruit to be at its best.
11. Spices
Spices do not benefit from refrigeration by any means. The humidity and coldness can diminish its flavor.  Most spices can last for years in your home. But don’t forget to check expiration dates often.

Never Work A Day In Your Life: 6 Ways To Land Your Dream Job Regardless Of Experience

It is said that once you find a job that you love, you will never have to work a day in your life. There has never been a statement that has resonated with more truth.

Here are some ways to get a head start if you’re just starting out on the job market or maybe simply looking to find your niche and purpose:

List it

First thing’s first: You must know what you like and don’t like. The first step is knowing yourself inside out. Sit quietly and do some soul searching. What kind of job do you like? Do you like to be in an office environment or out in the field? Do you like working with adults, children, animals or computer work?
Ask yourself what are your strengths and weaknesses and make a list of all your talents, abilities and passions. What would you do if money was not an issue and you did not have to work for a living? How would you spend your time in a meaningful way to help others?
I knew from an early age that I had a fascination with words. I can’t imagine life without the ability to write and pen my thoughts. I did not pursue it right away, but always found a way to channel my talents in the right direction.
Sooner or later, I found my way back to my first love. Although I have not hit the jackpot just yet, writing has exceeded my wildest expectations. I still have hopes of becoming a best-selling author one day.

Have a game plan

Once you have identified your talent, create some practical goals and work towards them one day at time. As you progress, you can widen your scope and take it up a notch.
For example, if you want to be a chemical engineer, you can work on taking those chemistry classes as early as high school. Volunteer at a lab during your summer vacations, enter competitions and take part in science fairs.
While in college, apply for internships where you can get to practice what you’ve studied. That way, after you graduate, it’s easier to get a job in your field with the hands–on training you’ve acquired while interning. Once you land that job, design a plan that will take you from point A to Z up the career ladder of your dreams.

Paper the world

Once you have developed a game plan, work on your career skills to get you an interview. Develop a winning résumé by a simple Google search. Whether you are just starting out, or simply want to change jobs, it’s important to market yourself in the right way.
In order to transition fields, you may want to adopt a functional, as opposed to a chronological, résumé; the former highlights all of your similar work experiences together. This is also useful if you have gaps in your employment record.
Visit company websites in your field and subscribe to job alerts. Sign up to employment agencies and participate in career seminars and job fairs at your campus.
Be sure to write a professional and descriptive cover letter that demonstrates your ability and personal attributes, and also sells the recruiter on why you are right for the job.
Think of yourself as a member of the HR department and think about what would make your résumé and cover letter stand out above the rest.

Look the part

Be sure to invest in a few well-tailored and professional power suits. Dark or neutral colors are best; stay clear from form-fitting, tight, short, shiny or revealing clothes. For the ladies, be sure to keep it simple: well-manicured nails, neat hairstyles and jewelry.
The same goes for the guys minus the jewelry. Cover up all tattoos and piercings. Remember you can only make a first impression once.

Walk the walk

Make sure you can look the part and talk the talk. Have you ever seen someone who looked very professional, but were mortified when he or she opened his or her mouth? Let this not be you when you walk into the room and the recruiter asks you a question.
Practice role playing with your friends or family. Let them ask you a few interview questions and talk freely about what comes naturally as opposed to rehearsed responses. Practice being calm and talk about what you know.
Be prepared to talk about anything, including your past job experiences, your extra-curricular activities and your ability to work extra hours.
Be courteous and speak standard English at all times. Always remember that no matter what the recruiter says, don’t get too comfortable or mistake kindness for friendship. I’ve seen everything during my years in human resources, and I’ll never forget one candidate who swore at the interview.

Hone your talents

During your job search and even after you land your dream job, never stop working on you. Whether it’s a short course, an advanced degree or diploma, it will all pay off in the long run, even though you may not appreciate it right now.
If you have a hobby or pastime, develop it. You could also volunteer in your spare time, even if it’s in a soup kitchen or reading to kids at the library.
All in all, it’s your life. Several years down the line, you don’t want to live with regret, thinking of what you should have done if only you had the guts to throw caution to the wind and take a chance on life. There’s no time like the present to do what your heart tells you to do and make it count.