Friday 21 November 2014

Care for a Glass of Donkey Milk?

Two things that may surprise you. One, you can milk a donkey (and yes, it’s also sometimes called ass milk). Two, people love the milk.

Over the past couple of months, Jean-Michel Evequoz, a chef and teacher at Les Roches International School of Hotel Management in Switzerland, has been experimenting with donkey’s milk, with a view to figuring out just how well it lends itself to traditional European cuisine.

Thursday 20 November 2014

Olive oil is the healthiest choice when it comes to frying food, study finds

A new study published October 22 reinforces once again that olive oil is one of the best oils for cooking compared to other seed oils. Researchers based their conclusion on a few different factors, including nutritional content and the oil’s ability to maintain quality under high temperatures.

Monday 17 November 2014

7 Crucial Reasons to Eat Your Apple a Day

No matter whether it’s a red, green or yellow apple, you should eat it each day to stay healthy and happy. Remember, ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’? It’s actually true.

Sunday 16 November 2014

5 Ways to Combat Bad Moods and Mild Depression

Some people define happiness as the absence of bad emotions. It’s that relaxed moment where you are worried about nothing and where you are not feeling bad because of any major problems that could act as a barrier to your happiness.

Saturday 15 November 2014

8 Amazing Things You Should Try in Your Life

Most people compose a list of things they want to do in their life. However, these collections of goals are often framed within a certain social context such as career or family. But stop for a minute and tell me: does this list really mean anything to you? What if you sleepwalk your life away? What if you are caught in a fuss of day-to-day activities?

Thursday 13 November 2014

The ONLY 3 Principles You’ll EVER Need to Live an Amazing Life

In 1942, Ron Plomley invented a radio program where celebrity guests were asked to imagine being stranded on a deserted island. In this imaginary scenario they were permitted to take eight of their favorite songs/pieces of music with them for company. What would they choose and why?

10 Steps To Contacting Your Higher Self

The Higher Self is that part of you that connects you directly to the spiritual realms. It is eternal, infinitely wise and transcends our everyday consciousness. It is in touch with the Divine because it is part of it. Attaining knowledge of the Higher Self, and its depths of inner wisdom, is the goal of the spiritual question in all its many guises.

Monday 10 November 2014

Cool Side Of The Pillow: People Who Sleep In Cold Rooms Are Healthier

Don’t sleep on the importance of your bedtime climate. While you might throw caution to the wind, literally, and fall asleep with your window open during the middle of the summer – science suggests that playing with the thermostat a little bit before bed can make all the difference.

Sunday 9 November 2014

5 Things You Should Keep Back from People

We are living in a wonderful, but insincere and subtle world. Sometimes it’s better to hold your tongue and just smile to the people you’re talking with. You don’t have to behave like James Bond, but you should be a bit cunning and bright enough for the sake of your happiness and prosperity.
On the one hand, human curiosity drives people to explore and understand many truths and secrets of life. On the other hand, dark-hearted personalities may use their knowledge and the info about other people to bring somebody down. If you’re too talkative by nature, you need to know what to say and what to keep back from others. I can state with assurance that the most dangerous and taboo theme is your life problems. Your problems are your own and telling everyone about your failures is a bad idea, because you can become a Ms. Negativity for your friends. Positive and joyous people don’t yearn to get drawn into somebody’s issues, because it’s not their pair of shoes. Bad people are often glad to see drowning in your problems and tears. They can also turn your misery against you and your family.
I know that my life is my burden and if somebody is insistently interested in my life, I try to ignore their questions and use jokes. Humor and sarcasm help me handle the situation and remain polite with negative people. Here are 5 things you should never discuss with people.

1. Your secrets

What is the meaning of the word ‘secret’? I think that secret is a piece of news, definite truth or information known to a limited number of people. Every single person in this world has at least one secret. I know that keeping secrets is a challenging thing, because not everyone can resist the temptation to share interesting information about somebody or something. I try to let only dearest and nearest into my little ordinary secrets. I’m sure that my family will never play a double game with me. When it comes to top secrets, I try to hide the forbidden info from everyone. I won’t have a good night’s sleep, if I know that the top secrets of my soul are open to a large number of people and enemies.

2. Private life

Private life is a sacred and precious thing. I’m not a superstitious person, but I believe that the power of human feelings and emotions can affect my private life. No one likes to be condemned for their actions, words and interests. Nowadays youth unconsciously provokes others to discuss and criticize their private life. They post personal info, photos and videos on different social media websites. Millions of people have an opportunity to observe the details of each others’ personal life.
Social networks are the biggest source of lies and misinformation. Plus your enemies can turn it to their advantage. They may slander you or your dearest people that is extremely dangerous for your relationship. There’s no need to delete or block your social network accounts. Just try to add fewer photos that make your private life accessible to both good and bad personalities.

3. Incomes

Do you like when others ask you about your incomes? I think, no. This is pointless question. This question is usually asked by those who like to count the money of others. If you want to have stable incomes, then try to be less boastful. People often cannot overcome a deep feeling of envy when they see somebody’s welfare. Malignant envy can exert big negative influence on your luck.
If you’re in the money, you should learn to resist people’s envy. The art of being rich is not only the ability to make money, but the skill to save it and hide your incomes from ill-wishers. Try to behave naturally and speak less about your savings and goods. It will serve as a shield from the dark energy of envious people.

4. Your heart

Human heart is a very vulnerable and frail thing. Only one careless word or action can seriously hurt it. You should be careful while talking to other people. Your desire to pour out your soul can help you get rid of negativity and find strength and inspiration to live. But, every bean has its back. Your enemies can get to know all your weak points and miseries. I hope you realize that no good will come of it. There can be no doubt that your opponents will find a wonderful opportunity to rub salt into your wounds and make your life more difficult for you.
If you want to share your pain with somebody else, you need to be sure that the interlocutor means you well. Openness and sincerity require a high level of assurance and confidence. When my worries and anxiety are lying like a heavy weight on my heart, I go to the church and bare my soul to the God. He’s the one who’ll never criticize or condemn my life.

5. Future goals

Every person in the world has certain dreams, plans and goals. Many communicative personalities fancy discussing their future plans with people they don’t know well. What for to tell somebody about your dream? You’d better reach your goals without announcing and sharing them with others.
It’s scientifically proved that garrulous people have fewer chances to achieve desirable results than those who tend to keep their future projects and ideas in secret. I think that your intentions shouldn’t become public, but remain personal. When you fulfill the task, you’ll have a nice occasion to boast your achievements. I know that it’s also challenging and harmful to suppress the desire to announce your plans, but the game is worth the candle. It will help you concentrate on your thoughts and make you motivated enough to accomplish them.
Communication with people is a good thing, but it has its advantages and disadvantages. Unfortunately, there’re lots of crafty people who dream to stab you in the back at the earliest opportunity. Wise people try not to give occasion to their enemies. They keep their life in secret and avoid quality chats with people they don’t trust. You should also know that your tongue can be your enemy. I hope these pieces of advice will help you make a resolute step toward success. Do you keep your private life in secret? What other things we should keep back from people? Share your thoughts, please.