Friday 21 November 2014

Care for a Glass of Donkey Milk?

Two things that may surprise you. One, you can milk a donkey (and yes, it’s also sometimes called ass milk). Two, people love the milk.

Over the past couple of months, Jean-Michel Evequoz, a chef and teacher at Les Roches International School of Hotel Management in Switzerland, has been experimenting with donkey’s milk, with a view to figuring out just how well it lends itself to traditional European cuisine.

Thursday 20 November 2014

Olive oil is the healthiest choice when it comes to frying food, study finds

A new study published October 22 reinforces once again that olive oil is one of the best oils for cooking compared to other seed oils. Researchers based their conclusion on a few different factors, including nutritional content and the oil’s ability to maintain quality under high temperatures.

Monday 17 November 2014

7 Crucial Reasons to Eat Your Apple a Day

No matter whether it’s a red, green or yellow apple, you should eat it each day to stay healthy and happy. Remember, ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’? It’s actually true.

Sunday 16 November 2014

5 Ways to Combat Bad Moods and Mild Depression

Some people define happiness as the absence of bad emotions. It’s that relaxed moment where you are worried about nothing and where you are not feeling bad because of any major problems that could act as a barrier to your happiness.

Saturday 15 November 2014

8 Amazing Things You Should Try in Your Life

Most people compose a list of things they want to do in their life. However, these collections of goals are often framed within a certain social context such as career or family. But stop for a minute and tell me: does this list really mean anything to you? What if you sleepwalk your life away? What if you are caught in a fuss of day-to-day activities?

Thursday 13 November 2014

The ONLY 3 Principles You’ll EVER Need to Live an Amazing Life

In 1942, Ron Plomley invented a radio program where celebrity guests were asked to imagine being stranded on a deserted island. In this imaginary scenario they were permitted to take eight of their favorite songs/pieces of music with them for company. What would they choose and why?

10 Steps To Contacting Your Higher Self

The Higher Self is that part of you that connects you directly to the spiritual realms. It is eternal, infinitely wise and transcends our everyday consciousness. It is in touch with the Divine because it is part of it. Attaining knowledge of the Higher Self, and its depths of inner wisdom, is the goal of the spiritual question in all its many guises.